
Funny christmas memories
Funny christmas memories

Today, as an adult I still know that when it is Christmas Eve, it means we will be going to Mass at night. I know as kids we were sleepy but then when we got home we were excited because we would be allowed to open our Christmas gifts that night and mom would make real chocolate. It wasn't always at midnight but always late at night. When we were little we would go to what was called Midnight Mass.Opening Presents and spending time with all our family.When I was about 5 years old and my grandpa was at our house for Christmas dinner.In the middle of the night asking has Santa came and then saying not yet love that time he always came fun times - Cindy M.Traveling 700 miles in a station wagon with my parents and 3 siblings to spend Christmas with my grandparents - Terri H.

funny christmas memories

My dad taping a door shut so we could not see what was in that room till Christmas! - Sherri C.A white sock with fruit and nuts - Benna C.Christmas at grandparents and sleeping over on Christmas Eve.My parents taking us riding around, looking at Christmas lights.Getting a doll that was as tall as I was at the age of 8 - Norma O.My sister and I got batons and little white boots! I guess they were "marching boots"! Guess I was about 5 or 6.My grandpa getting me a doll taller than me! - Brandi W.Leaving home made cookies for Santa and getting my first electric train - Eddie P.Out at the farm opening gifts, climbing the windmill.Claus as the family friend, I still though Santa was actually in the house!! - Tim L. My earliest memory was a family friend and his wife coming over as Mr.Christmas day we were excited to see if Santa had eaten his cookies we left for him and check our stocking for goodies. After attending Church services we would go home and eat Tamales that had been made by my parents. My Dad leading the choir which he did for 54 years. My earliest Christmas memory is attending Christmas services late evening on Christmas Eve.I was like 5 years old and Santa came to our house:) we took pics with him! We was so excited my 3 siblings and I! Who knew he was a Santa’s helper that had a little too much to drink.All memories is just having most of the family around at Christmas time.My earliest Christmas Memory is making Gingerbread houses with my parents - Kelli D.Seeing Santa at Rainbow bread and getting a little loaf of bread.Not wanting to go to sleep and waking my parents way too early.Getting a new baby doll and carriage about 4 yrs old big white flocked real tree with blue bulbs - Alana P.An aluminum tree that had a wheel with different colors on it and it’s shown on the tree and it changed colors - Loretta C.Driving around looking at Christmas lights they were trying to make me go to sleep I think - James S.Waking up to see what Santa brought - Robbie T.It was my dad, home from Vietnam to surprise us. A man grabbed mom, she screamed and we kids flew out the back door to grandma’s house next door.

funny christmas memories

We heard ‘Santa’ at the door so we were peeking when mom answered it.

  • My mom making and decorating cookies shaped like a Christmas tree - Kay S.
  • Running into our family living room at four or five years old at 3am to see that Santa had come and then running into my sister's room yelling "he came, he came".
  • The worst was a baseball glove for the wrong hand when I was a kid - Tim L.
  • We all thought it was so funny! - Nicole S.
  • My sister got an orange one Christmas as a joke.
  • It worked out great for my sister since I gave her the stuffed animal on the car ride home.
  • As a kid I asked for a football and my grandma got me a stuffed animal.
  • An empty chocolate covered cherries box!! So mean!! But I got a laugh and a hug!! ❤️ - Linda C.
  • There was one year when I didn't get anything, not sure why but I just didn't.
  • I was a little kid when I got them and they weren't exciting gifts.

    Funny christmas memories free#

    A free hug coupon lol but it was white elephant so it's all in good fun - Brandy E.Air spray that smelled like cow dung - Loretta C.

    funny christmas memories

    Always wanted what my brothers got instead.

  • My hubby gave (as a joke) to his 2 younger sisters “a broken/rusty vaporizer w/rocks in it”- they were so excited to unwrap gift (he had hyped it as a great gift) they were heartbroken - few minutes pass and gives them the “real gift” a new game they wanted.
  • The Worst Christmas Gifts And Other Christmas Memories Posted on December 14, 2022

    Funny christmas memories