Scientific software for the molecular biologist. The free version does not offer any of the features one would find in vectorNTI SnapGene Viewer is revolutionary software that allows molecular biologists to create, browse, and share richly annotated DNA sequence files up to 1 Gb in length. RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used primarily for the depiction and exploration of biological macromolecule structures, such as those found in the Protein Data Bank.
Download it now for abi/scf trace alignments, sub cloning and plasmid management, blast/sequence retrieval, sequence annotation and structure viewing - all in one integrated and easy to use bioinformatics program.
sed - How to transpose a list to a table in bash - Stack Overflow.parsing - An efficient way to transpose a file in Bash - Stack Overflow.Indigo: Rapid InDel Discovery in Sanger Chromatograms | GEAR.Working directories SNV and InDel Discovery in Chromatogram traces obtained from Sanger sequencing of PCR products. SNV and InDel Discovery in Chromatogram traces obtained from Sanger sequencing of PCR products. GeneDoc is a full-featured multiple sequence alignment editor, analyzer, and shading utility for Windows. It offers an intuitive graphical interface similar to the one implemented in XiYOS, but it contains an extended set of features, including sequence and alignment viewing and editing, multiple output styles, flexible, interactive alignment editor, simple sequence input, and saving, basic graph plotting. The program allows you to draw the blocks that represent the sequences in the file either from scratch or from a template, and you can also load sequences from various sources. GeneDoc is a tool for the visual analysis and editing of multiple sequence alignments. It has been used to create presentations for posters, talks, and scientific journals. The main goal of this application is to create and manipulate multiple sequence alignment graphics such as those produced by ClustalW, MAFFT, and other alignment software.

It takes a structural format input file, consisting of a multiple sequence alignment and associated tree, and produces a high quality publication-ready image in PNG or GIF format loaded directly into your favorite presentation package or a PostScript file which can be printed on a high-resolution printer. GeneDoc enables scientists to efficiently perform sequence alignment, display and analyze multiple sequences, and evaluate DNA, protein, and amino acid homologies.

The software is built on an advanced multiple sequence alignment engine, which allows researchers to trace the evolutionary history of a group of related sequences. The program includes many features that aid in analyzing nucleotide or amino acid alignments and provides maximum flexibility during sequence manipulation. UGENE is open-source software for DNA and protein sequence visualization, alignment, assembly, and annotation, and it is completely compatible with Bioinformatics methods. #SNAPGENE VIEWER ALTERNATIVES SOFTWARE#.